a row of cars parked in a parking lot
a row of cars parked in a parking lot

Quality Used Cars

Find the perfect used car at SDP Motors. We specialize in BMW's, Mercedes, Audi's, and Volkswagen's.

black cars in a parking lot
black cars in a parking lot

At SDP Motors, we are dedicated to providing our customers with high-quality used cars. With a wide selection of BMW's, Mercedes, Audi's, and Volkswagen's, we have the perfect car for you.

Our Services

white concrete structure
white concrete structure

We offer a wide range of used cars for sale, including BMW's, Mercedes, Audi's, and Volkswagen's.

black concrete road surrounded by brown rocks
black concrete road surrounded by brown rocks

Our financing options make it easy for you to get behind the wheel of your dream car.

black and blue car in a building
black and blue car in a building
black car gps turned on in car
black car gps turned on in car

Trade in your current vehicle and upgrade to a quality used car from SDP Motors.


Our team of experienced technicians is here to provide top-notch maintenance and repairs for your used car.

Happy Customers

I bought a Mercedes from SDP Motors and couldn't be happier with my purchase. The car is in great condition and the price was unbeatable.

Contact Us

Contact us today for more information or test drive


+44 79311 58534